Healing from the inside out
Servicing the Lake Geneva and Surrounding Area.
A holistic way to improve your health and wellness.
About Healing Reiki-Works
Healing Reiki-Works is a healing and wellness center offering a range of comprehensive healing practices, Energy Healing, therapies and professional services to promote health & wellness.
All services are devoted to promoting resilience and balance in the lives of adults and children with minor or major emotional and/or physical disorders.
Nancy is experienced in Holistic Healing Methods, Reiki, Energy Healing, Priority Testing, and Alternative Treatment Modalities.
All modalities are powered by the Golden Healing University which includes, Advanced Education, Classes, Certification, Best Practices and Methodologies for client centered care .
In addition, we offer Retreats, Women’s Retreats, Integrative Wellness Retreats, Outdoor adventures, Healthy Lifestyle, Mindfulness & Meditation and professional services via Healing Heart Journeys.
Healing the Body Mind & Spirit.

Nancy Golden Waspi
Reiki Master Teacher
Oncology Reiki
Crystal Reiki Master
C.C.M.B.A. Teacher
Reiki Sonic Healing (sound vibrational healing)
Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Golden Healing UNIVERSity
Nancy is an educator at heart after many years of teaching and traveling around the world.
She knows she is here to give back and has a passion for educating and mentoring. Nancy is a professional healer and has traveled around the USA and Canada for training over the years. After returning home to Lake Geneva, WI she realized there was a gap in the market for professional energy & Reiki certification and advanced education in the Midwest.
Like many healers she says, we were alone in our quest for success and had to travel for education to be part of a community. After feeling their pain, I decided to go back to my roots; Lake Geneva, WI.
Upon returning home I decided to share and expand my education training for others. Nancy went from certification trainings to opening the Golden Healing University in the “Center of the USA”, in the heart of Lake Geneva and Green Bay – a soulful destination that attracts beauty, light, & energy.
Where East meets the Mid West … A education destination in Lake Geneva and Green Bay
- A community for healers at all levels
- Basic training practice to advancement to Master levels
- Inspirational annual retreats
- Monthly Reiki circles & shares
About Nancy
My life journey has led me to a holistic approach towards the health of the body, mind, and spirit and to where I am today. My goal is to share the gifts that have been given to me with as many people as possible so that they can heal on all levels to be the best they can be on this earth plane.
It was my own heart that needed healing in order to clear and heal physical disorder of my physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies that pushed me on my healing journey that continues to this day. We are never finished working on ourselves until we’re finished in these physical bodies, complete in our light bodies and on the other side.
It was out of the ashes that I found my true calling of finally waking up and using my gifts. I have been so blessed to be given the gift of Energy Healing, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, Vibrational Healing, Reiki, Angel Healing and Principles of Light Healing to help others, even when standard medicine has been exhausted. All healing comes from Divine Love, God, The Universe and is available to all.
I use so much that I learned over 40 years of leading global events, enhancement workshops, teaching, and destination trainings to my Women’s Enrichment Retreats today. My years of living in AZ, and making Sedona, AZ a regular spiritual trip over the past 30 years along with the unbelievable Vortex energy in Sedona makes this the most amazing place to do some deep releasing and lasting healing.
It was 1986 when my beloved brother Bob Golden first introduced me to Sedona, AZ. He knew my gifts, my connection with Angels, the spiritual and metaphysical world. He couldn’t wait to show me Sedona. I still remember that first site of Sedona as we came around the curve and the feeling that overcame me. To this day every time I go back, that same feeling comes over me and I see my Brother Bob’s face smiling at me. I would love to be the one to show you the magic and miracles of Sedona, AZ.
I, along with my Angels, Masters, Guides, and Divine specialists would be honored to work with you on your path to de-stress, find balance & create miracles in your life!
Nancy Golden Waspi is a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Oncology Reiki, Crystal Reiki Master, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Reiki Sonic Healing (sound vibrational healing), C.C.M.B.A. Teacher, Quantum Healing, Vibrational Healing, Angel Work, Principles of Light Healing, Kinesiology and Energy Medicine Practitioner. She has also been certified in Past Life Regression, EFT, Childhood trauma release, Multi-Generational Release, Chakra clearing & balancing, Kinesiology & muscle Priority testing, PTS Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and more.
Treatments range from 15 minutes to 2.5 hours and range from $50.00 to $240.00
I understand that there are times when a client can not physically make the trip to our location due to health or other issues. I am more than happy to assist but please note that there is a $50.00 trip charge for home visits to cover the expense of travel.
Disclaimer: Healing is not a substitute for medical and/or psychiatric treatment. Please seek the advice from a professional Health Care Provider. Healing is an individual experience and specific results can not be guaranteed.
Reiki is a healing technique where the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Very relaxing, reduces stress, feel invigorated after your session.
$100.00 (includes consult)
Crystals have a unique ability to transmit high frequency energy for extended periods of time. Crystals are widely accepted for use in computers, ultrasound equipment, communications, and other modern day devices. However, it is only in recent years that ancient wisdom relating to the esoteric properties and to the healing power of crystals and stones has begun to capture the interest of those involved in energy medicine and in other forms of vibrational healing.
Alleviates pain, create comfort in areas of discomfort; ” Ports for chemotherapy ” digestive problems, chemo discomforts and sore areas from injections. Clients can experience relief with both physical and emotional discomforts, pain, fear, and other stress points related to their cancer and cancer treatments. This helps the cancer patient get more involved in their own energetic self care. Clients feel empowered to facilitate more beneficial emotions toward their well being.
Developed by Dr. Sharon Forrest N.D., Ph.D. and was given to her over a 35 year span from her angels and guides. Six years ago she was given the last piece of this amazing healing modality. The day Dr. Forrest and I met changed my life forever. Studying under her is a gift from Source/God/Universal Mind; whatever name and understanding you know. I prefer God, and he knows only perfection. It contains none of the negative or disruptive energies contained in mass third dimension consciousness since it is beyond the time/space continuum. We are allowing ourselves to become the instrument or conduit through which the Higher vibration energy can flow. Trust that we can be healed; the potential already exists. “You are the magic and the miracle when you accept and allow.”
C-7 VAT is a hands-on therapy that allows your body to move and align all on its own to heal whatever condition the client may have.
Have you been in a car accident suffering from migraines, back pain or neck pain, problem with shoulders or arms or legs, sciatica etc? Perhaps traditional therapies have not worked out? See what wonders VAT can do!
Emotional traumas are stored in the body on cellular and morphogenetic levels. These can be released. We call this modality ‘Emotional Liposuction’. Discharge Anger, Rage, Sorrow, Guilt, Fear and Abandonment. This is done with steady pressure applied to specific emotional trigger points.
Treatment uses Programmed Crystal Pizzo-Electric Energy to release blocks in the physical body. This treatment is recommended for: greatly enhancing circulation, eliminating numbness, blockages and stiffness in all areas of the body.
The Ancient Chinese Black Pearl Technique works on your nervous, parasympathetic, sympathetic and neurovascular systems as well as your amygdala. A delightful combination of meridian clearing and energy healing; it releases deep-seated traumas and stress from these systems. When these systems are stress free, the amygdala shrinks and becomes like a black pearl, hence the name.
Unfortunately, neurosis (hang-ups) can take root before and while we are being born.
Gestation Period: Science is finally proving in labs, my master teacher/healer has definitely seen with her own children and clients, that what goes on in the mother’s life and surroundings while carrying a child in her womb, can and do affect the baby from conception on into adulthood, i.e., Illness, arguments, fights, rapes, accidents, falls, frights, attempted aborting, being unwanted, etc.
Anoxia – Oxygen Deprivation: It stands to reason if a baby’s basic needs for oxygen are not met in the womb and/or at childbirth they invariably suffer the consequences later on. Birth Trauma – can be a traumatic event, which not only leaves physical scars but psychological scars as well. I.e. stuck in the birth canal, the umbilical cord wrapped around their neck, mother dying, the use of forceps or suction devices, being a breech or cesarean birth, etc. Regularly mothers are given heavy doses of anesthetics to numb childbirth pain. Anesthetics act directly on the survival functions of the unborn child, interfering with oxygen absorption and can feel life-threatening to the infant being born.
Break multigenerational patterns, heal relationship with relatives, friends, parents, children, partners, anyone – dead or alive. Turn from anger and resentment to love and compassion. Witness the ripple effects in your life. Heal yourself, loved ones and others.
Some of us experience inner pain that comes from our organs, or viscera. Our connective tissue (fascia) within our bodies and surrounding the organs may be tight and cause us pain. Hiatus hernia occurs at the cardiac sphincter where the upper portion of the stomach joins the esophagus. A weakening of these muscles and the subsequent upward movement of the cardiac sphincter is hiatus hernia; from experience this can be very very painful. It is possible to address this problem with very gentle exaggeration of the tissues in the direction that they want to go, to induce a release.
$125.00 (Includes reg. treatment)
Meridians are invisible pathways or channels on the body. Our vital energy, or “chi,” is thought to flow along these meridians, and anything that disrupts the smooth flow of chi is said to cause illness.
$100.00 (Includes reg. treatment)
An aura is an energy field that surrounds, penetrates and extends out beyond the physical body, that is electromagnetic, electric and magnetic and is made up of varying types of live and intelligent vibrations or frequencies. An aura surrounds not only every living thing including humans, animals and plants, but also every inanimate thing such as rocks, all objects made by man, and the earth, sun, moon, and all planets in our Universe. The human aura has layers of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements.
Chakras are spinning wheels of electric energy of different colors that perform many functions connecting our energy fields, bodies and the broader Cosmic Energy Field. Chakras are directly connected to and govern the endocrine system that in turn regulates the aging process. Balance the chakras so the energy flows naturally throughout your body and energy field. When you clear away the negative energy residues from fear and worry, your natural spiritual power awakens.
The shamanic practice known as soul retrieval is perhaps the most important level of healing in spirit medicine because once the spiritual-energetic nature of an illness-causing intrusion has been addressed, the cause is still unresolved, namely the tears in the fabric of the sufferer’s soul cluster that allowed the intrusions to enter in the first place. It is healed with white light.
Calms the nervous system, reduces all types of body pain, insomnia, nausea, stress reduction, edema, claims emotional imbalances, creates a deep relaxation and can be used for any cancer patient undergoing chemo or radiation.
We all have an Inner Child within us. Childhood traumas can often be ignored. We can easily divert them. We denied they ever existed or sweep them under the table or hidden deep in our subconscious where they can and do wreck havoc. Those of us who have been neglected, abused mentally abused, physically, emotionally, psychologically, sexually, or spiritually during childhood, invariably have an Inner Child that feels any or all of the following: despair, abandoned, rejected, hurt, angry, resentful, depressed, scared, lonely, less-than, shamed, guilty, unlovable and insecure. These show themselves in our relationships and mental, emotional and physical health as an adult; tainting how we see and experience, act and react to life.
Is a past life playing havoc in this your present life? Uncover the underlying causes of the subconscious mind and release the string you brought in from a past life effecting this life. Any and all issues you are dealing with in your present life. I.e. illness, addictions, sabotaging behaviors, physical pain, fears, phobias, relationship issues, fears of success or failure, etc., can be transformed.
Classes & Events
Reiki Circle/Share
Last Thursday of every month 6-8PM
Lake Geneva
All are invited to come and experience the gift of Reiki. Reiki practitioners of all levels and from all lineages are welcome along with non-practitioners. There is no fee but a love basket will be passed for those that can donate for payment of room, supplies, etc. Reiki Circle in Brief: A gathering of Reiki practitioners and the general public to experience the love, beauty, and modality that originated in Japan.

Reiki I & II Class
Sat/Sun 9:30- 5:30
March 2nd & 3rd, 2024
Sept. 14th & 15th, 2024
Lake Geneva. WI
This training is a pre-requisite to obtaining credentials through the National Reiki Membership Association. This class is for you if you are interested in learning an effective method for relieving stress and anxiety, reducing pain, and promote healing. If you are looking for something to help you along your path of spiritual growth, this class can help you. Learn what Reiki is, how it heals, and the new historical discoveries.
Crystal Reiki Class Level I
Sun July 20 & 22, 2024 10:00-4:30 Lake Geneva. WI
Are you a Reiki Practitioner Level II or higher and ready to incorporate the use of crystals in your Reiki practice? Combining the Reiki and crystal healing energy, can enhance and strengthen both modalities. Learn how to cleanse, program and nurture your crystals, learn powerful crystal healing layouts, and crystal healing chambers. An introduction to crystal grids for distant healing and more. You will leave with set of all crystals, stones & manual used in class.

Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master Class
Fri/Sat/Sun 9:30 - 5:30
March 15th, 16th & 17th 2024
Lake Geneva, WI
The Master training combines both Advanced Reiki Training and the complete Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master training into one three-day training. Class pre-requisite to qualify is Reiki I & II with a minimum of 6 months – 1 year of practice. Also, a student must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki II from memory.
More Class Information
This training is a pre-requisite to obtaining credentials through the Reiki Membership Association.
Sat/Sun 9:30- 5:30 March 2nd & 3rd, 2024
Sept. 14th & 15th, 2024.
Lake Geneva, WI
$495.00 Fee. 50% Deposit required when reserving space. Limited space.
This class is for you if you are interested in learning an effective method for relieving stress and anxiety, reducing pain, and promote healing. If you are looking for something to help you along your path of spiritual growth, this class can help you.
Learn what Reiki is, how it heals, and the new historical discoveries.
In class you will review the traditional Reiki hand positions used for yourself and others. You will also practice the intuitive method of hand placement, which can enhance your confidence in your intuition or inner guidance.
We will explore, symbols in healing and learn the Reiki II symbols and how to use them to;
Help heal unwanted habits, improve relationships, facilitate distant healings that transcend time and space, improve mental clarity and focus, reduce pain, clear mental and emotional blocks, which may be holding you back in life.
We will also experience: assessing the energy field with Reiki scanning, and beaming. The class combines lecture, discussion, attunements, meditations and experiential practice in a well organized, but relaxed program. A detailed class manual is included, and upon successful completion, a certificate from the International Center for Reiki Training is awarded.
All of our classes are designed so that anyone can benefit from the material presented. The class material is helpful for professionals such as nurses, massage therapists, physicians, or “regular people” who wish to use Reiki for spiritual growth, or to help family, friends and for the student’s self-healing.
Preparation: Be kind to yourself, eat healthy foods, drink quality water, exercise and get plenty of rest.
Deposits are Non-Refundable. Class deposits may be transferred to future classes within one year.
Prerequisites Reiki I & II
Are you are Reiki Level II practitioner and ready to take the next step to Reiki Mastery. OR if you are already a Reiki Master and would like to enhance your Reiki training and skills. If you are already a Reiki Master and would like to enhance your Reiki training & skills, while letting go of those “Reiki rules”, You will LOVE this class! This training is a pre-requisite to obtaining credentials through the Reiki Membership Association.
Fri/Sat/Sun 9:30 – 5:30 March 15th, 16th & 17th 2024
$1,295.00 Fee. 50% Deposit required when reserving space. Limited space.
The ART/Master training combines both Advanced Reiki Training and the complete Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master training into one three day training.
To qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki I & II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months. Also, a student must be able to draw the 3 symbols from Reiki II from memory.
In the process of learning the healing techniques, attunements, and ignitions; and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences.
Advanced Reiki Training includes the Usui Master practitioner attunement, which increases the strength of your Reiki energy. The Usui Master symbol, increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing. Students will practice using the Usui master symbol for treatments and Reiki meditation that strengthens the mind and expands consciousness. Also advanced techniques for using Reiki to solve problems and achieve goals and the use of crystals and stones with Reiki. Learn how to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged and Reiki psychic surgery that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light. A guided meditation that introduces you to your Reiki guides wherein you receive healing and information will be practiced.
Reiki III/Master is the complete Reiki III Usui/Holy Fire Master ignition.
Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II, ART, the Ignition for Reiki Master and the Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal. The Usui/Holy Fire system of attunements and ignitions is taught as used by the Center and the Usui system of attunements is explained. The Holy Fire symbol is given for a total of five symbols. Lots of practice time doing attunements and how to give yourself attunements and ignitions. Instruction is given on the Usui/Holy Fire system of attunements and ignitions. Other variations are also outlined in the class manual. Over half the class time is used for practice so the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements and ignitions. Students practice giving attunements on each other so that each student receives many attunements. The Healing attunement and Aura Clearing is given and received by all students. This class is a powerful healing experience. While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends.
All Training Classes:
Preparation: Be kind to yourself, eat healthy foods, drink quality water, exercise and get plenty of rest.
Deposits are Non-Refundable. Class deposits may be transferred to future classes within one year.
Prerequisites Reiki I & II
Are you a Reiki Practitioner Level II or higher and ready to incorporate the use of crystals in your Reiki practice? Combining the Reiki and crystal healing energy, can enhance and strengthen both modalities. Learn how to cleanse, program and nurture your crystals, learn powerful crystal healing layouts, crystal healing chambers, an introduction to crystal grids for distant healing, and more.
Sun July 20 & 22, 2024 10:00-4:30
Lake Geneva. WI
$710.00 Fee. – 50% Deposit is required. You will leave with set of all crystals, stones & manuals used in class.
C.C.M.B.A Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment
C.C.S.M.C. Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing
Developed by Dr. Sharon Forrest N.D., Ph.D. and was given to her over a 35 year span from her angels and guides. Six years ago she was given the last piece of this amazing healing modality. The day Dr. Forrest and I met changed my life forever. Studying under her is a gift from Source/God/Universal Mind; whatever name and understanding you know. I prefer God, and he knows only perfection. It contains none of the negative or disruptive energies contained in mass third dimension consciousness since it is beyond the time/space continuum. We are allowing ourselves to become the instrument or conduit through which the Higher vibration energy can flow. Trust that we can be healed; the potential already exists. “You are the magic and the miracle when you accept and allow”
Sat. June 22, 2024 10:00-3:00
$500.00 Fee. 50% Deposit required when reserving space. Limited space.
Sun April 21, 2024
11:00 – 2:00